Brain-Moove Center

Functional Brain Rehabilitation Center & Chiropractic Care Center


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Infrastructure / equipment




Functional neurology, indeed, sometimes requires in its general process using some high-technology devices, reliable and accurate.

We also invite you to view the trailer « Hope Restored » by the Dr. Carrick, a pioneer in functional neurology.

GYROSTIM (GyroStim Balance Training System)

Gyrostim (GyroStim Balance Training System)

It is a gyroscopic vestibular training system.

What is it used for?

Decades of clinical and laboratory research have demonstrated the physiological and neurological benefits resulting from an appropriate vestibular stimulation, one of the most important ones in the nervous system.

Recent data tell us that accurate and targeted stimulations of the vestibular system can help some symptoms related to conditions as diverse as concussions, traumatic brain injuries, autism, Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases, cerebral palsy and several other neurological disorders.

Neurorehabilitation through Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations

preserve the sensory and motor functions of the patient even when movement is impossible

Vibramoov is a new product arising from 30 years of fundamental and clinical research.

The Vibramoov system applies Functional Proprioceptive Stimulation to preserve the sensory and motor functions of the patient even when movement is impossible.  A number of electromechanical actuators are placed as shown in the adjacent images. Programmed sequences stimulate the nervous system with sensory information which is identical to that which occurs in normal movement. This afferent information can induce motor responses corresponding to the sensation that the patient experiences. The patient has the sensation and experience of movement even at the earliest stage of recovery. It is safe and effective when applied early in rehabilitation.

Research findings suggest that the sensory feedback induced by Vibramoov and the associated perception of movement may counteract disuse-induced cortical plastic changes.

This happens due to the recruitment of a large part of the cortical network which is normally used during the actual performance of a movement. This research supports the possibility of guiding cortical plasticity with proprioceptive augmented feedback.

Many acquired or congenital neurological impairments (such as stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, MS and Parkinson's disease) can dramatically affect our ability to move at will and they disturb our sense of "connection" to and awareness of our limbs. Awareness of limb position (proprioception) is impaired.

One of the main challenges of neurorehabilitation is to preserve or re-establish the coordination between motricity (active movement) and the related neurosensory information.

Vibramoov offers a unique neurorehabilitation therapy by maintaining the functional interaction between movement and proprioception throughout the recovery process.

Vibramoov enhances both the rate and potential for recovery as the system may be used safely at the earliest stages of recovery; even earlier than typical robotic interventions.

Early intervention is very important to maximise the rate and extent of recovery as prolonged immobility brings about secondary effects that can be very hard to overcome when therapy is delayed.

Balance disorders and force platform

Fall incidents are the main causes of visits to the emergency department with a prevalence in the under-16 age group (football, hockey, gymnastics, etc.) and in the 65+ age group. They are common and dangerous, but predictable.

Most of those at risk do not know it and are often asymptomatic until it is too late. Health experts are unanimous: routine tests, evaluation and treatment are absolutely necessary for the prevention of falls.

An early identification of a balance problem also allows to detect more serious health problems. The warning signs of a balance problem may go unnoticed. We use the force platform technology (very sensitive to movements) which allows us to collect data in a few seconds and to compare them to age groups standards.

How does it work?

The evaluation of the stability and balance on the force platform aims to quantify a person's ability to maintain his balance in different situations and facing various stresses. Thanks to the localisation of the center of pressure, the force platform proves to be an indispensable tool in the evaluation of muscle forces generated by the subjects during the execution of the movement

Interactive metronome

Métronome Interactif

The interactive metronome is a treatment which improves the timing and speed of the messages between different areas of the brain. Thanks to the improvement of these two crucial aspects, the central nervous system becomes much more efficient and can considerably improve several malfunctions, like attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity, autism, dyslexia, impaired memory, motor skill disorders, cranial traumas, etc.

How does it work?

The interactive metronome is the only training program based on research which combines the concept of musical metronome with a patented system that improves and accurately measures the progression of the rhythm and timing of a person. These fonctions are crucial in our lives and affect all other systems. By improving these fondamental abilities, the interactive metronome trains the brain to plan, to establish sequences and to process the information in a more efficient way. The improvement of these fonctions has far-reaching implications, because all we do, from thought to resulting movements, depends on their efficiency.

As you can easily imagine, the malfunction of these abilities leads to many problems:

Apart from being a non-invasive and extremely efficient treatment included in the program for the above-mentioned health problems, the interactive metronome is also used by athletes, musicians and other artists who want to increase their performance level.


TOVA (Test Of Variables of Attention)

The overall balance (which can last between 1 and 2 hours) is complemented by the TOVA (Test of Variables of Attention).

It is so far the only objective tool to quantify attention deficiency

Videonystagmography (VNG)

The videonystagmography is a technique allowing a very accurate exploration of oculomotor functions. Via these, it is possible to obtain information both about the functioning of the vestibular system and the brain function.

This device provides an aid in the diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric diseases, such as parkinsonian syndromes, multiple sclerosis, or reading disorders.

The process is not painful, does not require the use of any drug and takes only a few minutes to be executed. The data collected by the practitioner provide invaluable input and are vey useful in the development of the treatment plan.



The BrainPort is an improvement on the first visuotactile sensory substitution system created by Paul-Bach-Y-Rita in 1963. It is used at the center CRNFC in St-Malo as part of the rehabilitation of some balance disorders



La Neurofeedback (ONF), également appelée « neurobiofeedback », est un type de biofeedback qui utilise l’affichage en temps réel de l'activité du cerveau, notamment via l'électroencéphalographie (EEG) et la mesure des ondes lentes produites par le cerveau. 

La visualisation de cette activité permet au patient un apprentissage et une auto-régulation quant à la gestion de certaines formes d’émotion et de concentration. Cette méthode est non-invasive et non médicamenteuse.

En 2010, une étude a fourni des preuves de changements de la neuroplasticité cérébrale survenus après un entraînement de ce type.